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        Covid 19 Update: We are open for business

        Adir Press

        Submit Manuscript

        Ready to share your wisdom with the world? That's where Adir Press comes in!

        Have You Written A Book?

        We would love to take a look at your manuscript and consider it for publication.

        At Adir Press, we believe in producing great quality Jewish books. If you have finished writing a book, or are towards the end of one, we would love to hear from you.

        As experienced writers, we know that it can be daunting having spent hundreds of hours making your manuscript the best it can be…and now what?! At some point, you probably thought: How do I take this Word Document and turn it into a physical book? Where do I find a cover designer? Who is going to print it, delivery it and design an advert for Mishpacha Magazine…?? How can I get it in my local Jewish Bookstore? And if manage to do that, how do I get it to a book store on the other side of the world? 

        Well, that is where we come in…

        We will carefully and patiently bring you through the publishing process from A-Z – (or א-ת if it’s a Hebrew sefer (yes, we do those too!))

        Our talented and experienced team will work with you at every stage of your book’s development, ensuring a top-quality publication with your approval at every level.

        There’s lot’s more to say, but let’s save it until we’ve seen your manuscript.

        Please fill in the page on the right hand side and send in your manuscript. And because we are authors ourselves and know how difficult it is to wait for a reply, we hope to respond within a few days. We’re very committed to having great communication, so if we don’t respon in a couple days, send it to us again as we may not have received it.

        – Hatzlachah Rabbah!

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