Learn Lashon Hara in just 3 Minutes a Day (Pocket)

Adir Press
  • Dimensions : 5″ x 6.75″
  • ISBN : 978-1-962522-03-8
  • Author : Rabbi Daniel Braude
  • Publisher : Adir Press
  • Number of pages : 328
  • Binding type : Pocket Hard Cover
Author: Rabbi Daniel Braude

In an easy and concise format, this highly praised and comprehensive book is designed for daily learning. With hundreds of practical examples, you will come to know what is and isn’t lashon hara, and develop a greater sensitivity to positive speech…in just 3 minutes a day!

Following the footsteps of the bestselling Learn Shabbos in Just 3 Minutes a DayLearn Hilchos Lashon Hara in Just 3 Minutes a Day is guaranteed to be an indispensable reference for everyone!

“This work has been presented with wisdom and clear thinking, and will certainly bring enormous benefit to those who wish to grow.”

Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Ra’avad of Jerusalem

“Rabbi Braude has once again created a collection of halacha in bite-size segments enabling one to acquire a comprehensive working knowledge of complicated halacha in a relatively short period of time. Additionally, the clear practical style makes the thought of observing Shmiras Halashon so much more realistic.”

Rav Yitzchak Berkowits, Rosh Kollel, Rosh Yeshiva, and Posek

“It is written with clarity and insight. It is succinct, yet at the same time comprehensive. It serves both the beginner and advanced Torah Scholar alike.”

Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman, Av Beis Din, UK Beis Din, Federation

“Rabbi Braude’s ability to present the Halachos, the ideas behind them, and relevant practical examples, is phenomenal. I highly recommend this work as both a means for one to initially familiarize oneself with the laws of Lashon Hara, and even to those who have learned the Halachos from the original sources as a very concise method of review.”

Rav Zev Leff, Rosh Yeshiva